A semi-rural development on the northern fringes of Bordon.
The National Planning Policy framework allows for exceptional circumstance for new homes in rural settings. Alongside other criteria, our involvement here was to evolve an exceptional design which might be judged to be:
“Design of exceptional quality, in that it:
NPPF December 2023
With an acceptance that the site could meet all other tests, SWA were commissioned to analyse the site and produce new designs that might meet the demanding tests.
This required that we produce designs and evolve a new proposal which might be truly outstanding, reflecting the highest standards in architecture.
After extensive detailed design, a full submission was made to LPA, and at consultation it was judged by the LPA’s own design officer as being an exceptional design solution, which satisfied all tests.
To reinforce this opinion, the LPA asked for the same designs to go to RIBA design panel. After extensive consultation and presentation, the designs were supported by the design panel and confirmed to be exceptional and outstanding.