Morden Mill Enabler

Enabling development of 16 homes, outside of any settlement boundary.
Location: West Morden
Status: Planning
Use: Residential
Client: K&S Properties
A characterful and high quality design that references local architecture and place making principles, that sits WITHIN and as a part of a landscape rich place.

New homes sit in harmony with the narrative and setting of an access fed through the courtyard of the Mill & Farmhouse, and with a united approach to SUDS, landscape design and ecology.

The site lies within the Southeast Dorset Green Belt and outside of any settlement boundary. The site also falls within the Morden Conservation Area. The development area is immediately adjacent to the site of Morden Mill, which comprises of a listed mill and listed farmhouse complex.

The listed buildings on the site are considered to be of significant and national heritage importance.

The proposals are specifically required as essential enabling development in order to facilitate the restoration, refurbishment and renovation of the existing listed buildings complex, to preserve these important heritage assets.

This enabling development of 16 new homes has evolved in close consultation with Dorset County Council.

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Scott Worsfold Associates
01202 580902
The Studio, 22 Ringwood Road, 
Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9AN
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