14 Family homes in a courtyard setting – Christchurch, Dorset.
This former quarry and golf course now presents an opportunity for new homes in an area and global setting, where delivering new homes and much-needed affordable provision has become one of our nation’s most pressing needs.
Sat near Wimborne in Dorset, the site sits in an exceptionally well-located matrix of principal ‘A’ roads. 230 ha in area, the site offered an extensive and varied landscape which could be used as a setting to create a characterful new village, which might capitalise on its context and all opportunities for a holistic place that merges urban design, architecture and landscape design into one vision.
Scott Worsfold Associates were selected to create a complete design vision, along with a global masterplan. Our work required that we act as lead architects and urban designers, creating design cameos and house types for a series of characterful places that merged contemporary/traditional architecture with landscape design, SuDs and Biodiversity Net Gain.
With options for a new countryside park to serve the whole community and a series of SANGs and SANG links, arranged around a new village square with a whole host of much needed local facilities, Canford Village has been exceptionally well received and continues to evolve.